2014年元旦期间(1月1日-1月2日),中科院西双版纳热带植物园将举办第4届“中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园 · 施华洛世奇观鸟节”。现诚邀国内外15个鸟类保护组织和环境保护组织参与,以向公众宣传和介绍鸟类保护的意义。
The 4th bird watching festival in Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden will be held during New Years Day of 2014 (Jan 01 – Jan 02 of 2014). Over 15 bird or environment protection organizations from both domestic and overseas are invited to participate in this significant campaign.
中科院西双版纳热带植物园为西双版纳唯一的5A景区,占地11平方公里,是目前国内面积最大、户外栽培保存植物最丰富的植物园。据不完全统计,园内有160种各科鸟类,包括最近在国内新纪录的鸟种如褐颊直嘴太阳鸟、钳嘴鹳等,此外还有绿胸八色鸫、灰头绿鸠、翠金鹃、仓鸮等罕见鸟类。 http://www.xtbg.ac.cn/xwzx/linshi/201301/t20130104_3731300.html (中文版)
Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG) is the only National 5A tourist attraction in Xishuangbanna, covers an area of 11 square kilometers, is a precious base of biodiversity, as well as a biological gene bank. Based on incomplete survey, there are over 160 recorded wild birds. The tropical forest within XTBG is an important habitat for birds, including some endangered species.
http://english.xtbg.cas.cn/en/ps/201212/t20121210_96676.html (English version)
西双版纳安纳塔拉度假酒店毗邻热带植物园,是西双版纳第一家国际品牌顶级奢华度假酒店。从酒店边门出发步行1分钟即可抵达植物园入口处。酒店拥有80间特色豪华房以及23栋泳池别墅,一楼的豪华房均带有54平方的独立景观露台;别墅内的室外恒温泳池面积最小为24平方米。酒店的餐饮休闲设施和世界闻名的Anantara Spa安纳塔拉水疗,也可令您在观鸟的同时,享受到全身心的放松体验。(详见附件介绍)
Anantara Xishuangbanna Resort & Spa is a luxurious resort hotel situated by the Luosuo River and close to the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden. Only 1 minute walking distance right next door to Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden. 80 Deluxe Rooms and 23 Pool Villas, Deluxe Rooms on the first floor with 54 square meters terrace, Villas with 24 square meters out-door heated swimming pool. The restaurant and recreation facilities together with the famous Anantara SPA will bring you in relaxation taste pleasure during your bird watching trip. (annex for details)
We believe that a combination of bird watching, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden and a top luxury resort, will bring you a wonderful experience in your bird watching trip. |