Each WWT centre has a giant floor-map of the world. At Martin Mere, my colleague Chris Whitehead is modifying an existing card and board game to use the map in an interactive way with groups of up to 40 people. For this he needs three wetland herbivores and three carnivores which eat them, for each of 8 ‘continents’: Europe, Asia, Africa, Arctic, Antarctic, North America, South America, and Australasia. He also needs three plants for the herbivores to eat (but ‘algae’, ‘pond weed’ and ‘water lilies’ would do!) This new game will be called ‘Plop!’ (well, maybe).
I wonder if you can help, by suggesting three different plants or animals near you, and what eats them? As an example for Europe (easy because I live here!): water voles eaten by otters, mallard (chicks) eaten by herons, and fish eaten by Ospreys. Chris can then use these in his game, and will share the results with you too.
Thanking you in anticipation, and thanks to Creston Valley team for the heron picture!
Chris Rostron
Head of WLI |